Come in The Box, Love.
We as humans have a tendency to compartmentalize things based on information we are fed and seek out, but what about the things we don't know that we don't know. Get out of your box and take a peek into ours...
To share peoples stories, get your wheels turning and introduce new concepts we aren’t all taught in schools.
By showcasing humans from all walks of life and introducing new questions and perspectives.
Discussions about self, the world, and everything that connects us.
Well if you need a word to define me, I am called Kate. I never felt like a Kathryn Elizabeth and yet that is my name. The older I get the more I appreciate it though as is with a lot of other things. It gives me the ability to encompass my sense of self both in a short and sweet way like Kate, but also allowing me to transition to grace, purity, and integrity like that of the greats... like both Kathryn and Elizabeth. I digress, who I am is a work in progress and an ever evolving version of this 'Kate'. It changes so often that at any given moment you could get a different adjective, but what is important to know about me is that you'll only ever know me as deeply as you yourself have gone.
I'm Carsey – and I'm still trying to figure out "who I am," since I tend to define myself by what I do instead of digging deeper. So I guess you could say I'm working on discovering myself. Here's what I do know – I'm a happy person, I have an SMI, I love to laugh, virtually any emotion can make me cry, and I hate using social media.